The fleet of Taxi Trucks that we boast ranges from 2 tonne to 16 tonne with both flat-tops and tautliners, therefore providing the perfect vehicle for any application.

All Purpose Transport Services offers you a range of specialised transport services which include, but is not limited to the following:
- Hourly Hire
- Same Day Service Pallet Rates  
(including all adelaide and surroundings and offer a ver low price country survice)

 2 Tonne Flat Tops 
 2 Tonne Tautliners 
 4 Tonne Flat Tops 
 4 Tonne Tautliners 
 4 Tonne Tailgate Lifters 
 6 Tonne Flat Tops 
 14 Tonne Tautliners 
 14 Tonne Tailgate Lifters

Our ability to tailor a logistical solution to your specific needs is a benefit in itself for your business. When it comes to solving your transport problems we can guarantee a solution which will prove to be both cost effective and time efficient. 

Give us a call to discuss your specific requirements and draw on our vast resources with the need for only one phone call.


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